
6 Cell Monocrystalline Solar Roof Tiles 32W

  • Positive Output Tolerance
  • Over %19,8 Panel Efficieny
  • Compatible with International Standards
  • 100% Double EL Control
  • High Quality Junction Box and Pluging System
  • 5400 Pa Snow Load 2400 Pa Wind Load Resistance
  • Type 1, Type 2 A Class Fire Protection
  • 25 Years Linear Performance Warranty
  • 10 Years Producer Warranty
Monocrystalline Solar Roof Tiles
2,3 mb
Promotion Video
Solar Panel Systems


Unit OSMp6-32W
Maximum Power Pmaks (Wp) 32
Positive Output Tolerance Watt0 ~ +5W
Max. Power Voltage Vmpp (V) 3,34
Max. Power Current Impp (A) 9,59
Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 4,1
Short Circuit Voltage Isc (A) 10,15
Module Efficiency ɳM [%] 19,83

STC: 1000W/m² Irradiation / 25°C Cell Temperature / AM=1,5 / Measurement Accuracy ±%3 / 1m/s Wind Speed


Unit OSMp6-32W
Maximum Power Pmaks (Wp) 23,9
Max. Power Voltage Vmpp (V) 3,14
Max. Power Current Impp (A) 7,62
Open Circuit Voltage Voc (V) 3,78
Short Circuit Voltage Isc (A) 8,45

NOTC: 800W/m² Irradiation / 20°C Cell Temperature / AM=1,5 / Measurement Accuracy ±%3 / 1m/s Wind Speed


Cell Type Monocrystalline Perc Cell / 156.75 mm x 156.75 mm
Cell Amount 6 Cell (2×3)
Panel Size 537 x 363 x 30 mm
Weight 3,3 Kg
Glass 3.2 mm (0,125“)Low Ironed High-Pass Tempered Glass
Back Surface Multi Layered White Polimer Film
Frame Fireproof Composite Tile
Junction Box IP 65 and above
Output Cables IEC, UL approved (4 mm² ,12 AWG) (PV Cable Type) , 300mm
Connector Compatible MC4 (IP67, IEC and UL approved)
Fire Resistance Type 1, Type 2 – A Class
Impact Resistance Decreased from “51,19 / 1300 mm, (1.18 lbs / 535g) Steel Ball Test


NOTC (Nominal Cell Working Temperaure) 45°C (± 2°C)
Temperaure Coefficent (Pmax) -0,40 %/°C
Temperaure Coefficent (Voc) -0,3409 %/°C
Temperaure Coefficent (Isc) +0,0447 %/°C


Working Temperature -40~+85°C
Max. System Voltage 1500V DC (UL / IEC)
Max. Reverse Current 15A / 20A
Maximum Load 75 Ibs ft (UL Standard)
5400 Pa (IEC Standard)


Pallet Size 800x1200x1630 mm
Modules per Pallet 160 Pieces
Total Weight 580 Kg
Modules per 40 HC Container 3680 Pieces
Modules per 20 HC Container 1760 Pieces


OSR İşcilik Garantisi 10 Yıl
Lineer Verim Garantisi 25 Yıl

Maximum Control, Maximum Quality!

1- Robotic Cell Control
2- String Control
3- Automatic Alignment Control
4- EL Test before Laminator Stage
5- Visual Control before Laminator Stage
6- Visual Control after Laminator Stage
7- EL Test after Laminator Stage
8- Flash Test / Sun Simulator
9- Diode Test
10- Grounding Test

Production Efficiency

In our facility, 235 MW Photovoltaic (PV) modules are produced annually with the aim of maximum quality and minimum efficiency loss at every stage of production.

Produces modules by closely following the developing cell technology that will accelerate the sector.

In order to increase production efficiency, we optimize the production processes by using environmentally friendly technologies in our 12.000 m² facility.